Cavoke  1.1.0
A Platform for creating and hosting multiplayer turn-based board games
No Matches
Server Component Protocol

A more hands-on explanation is available on the Cavoke Developer OpenAPI website:


Main Structures


Game state that is returned by the server component.

This object has four fields:

  • is_terminal: bool: True if the game is over. It means that no more moves will be accepted from the players and winners must be announced.
  • global_state: str: Global state of the game containing all information about the current state of the game session. This is required, as components are stateless (see Components). This state is never shared with players. This state is received and stored in the database for the next GameMove processing. This string-state can be of any format: json, base64, xml, etc. It just must be encodable using UTF-8.
  • players_state: str[]: An array of player states. Only this state is shared with players. They are numbered according to player_id. For instance, upon request player_id=2 will receive the player_state[2] string. As with the global state, players_state can be of any format that is encodable in UTF-8.
  • winners: int[]: An array of player_id's have won in this round. Should be an empty when is_terminal=false and set once when is_terminal=true. Future plans to use a points-based system.


"is_terminal": true,
"global_state": "OOXXXOXOX",
"players_state": [
"winners": [


Player's move that is delivered to the server component.

This object 3 fields.

  • player_id: int: Player int in the session (see Components). This id auto-determined by the cavoke server and can be trusted ([#TODO]).
  • move: str: Player's move transported from the client component. As with states, this string can be any UTF-8 string. Important: This move cannot be trusted to be delivered from the client component, therefore move correctness validation is required.
  • global_state: str: Current global_state of the game session. It is also auto-added to the move by the cavoke server.


"player_id": 0,
"move": "X1",
"global_state": "O OXXOXOX"

Interacting with the server component

Developer must provide 3 methods:

  • validate: (json, int[]) -> ValidationResult: Checks whether a session is valid and is ready to be started, by getting game json settings and array of occupied position.
  • init_state: (json, int[]) -> cavoke::GameState: Initializes game state with valid (checked via the previous method) game config.
  • apply_move: (GameMove) -> cavoke::GameState: Updates current game state using the supplied GameMove.

Local game component

For C++ development please use provided header-only library cavoke-dev-lib/cavoke.h and implement the following functions:

Remote game component

Please consult the Cavoke Developer OpenAPI Schema Docs:
